JDS News, February 2014 issue contents

New Year’s Greetings: “The new year would not be the same as before”
< Kunio Tamai, Chief Director of JDS>

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JDS Secretariat has moved to a new office in Otsuka, Tokyo.

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Events related to the World Down Syndrome Day in March spacer p.4
Dinner party for JDS members spacer p.4
“Step Forward Together” a commemorative event in Tokyo
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“Shifting Perspectives” a photograph exhibition from England
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Awareness raising poster on Down Syndrome is now out!
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Let’s wear “Step Forward Together” T-shirt at the WDSD events
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Donation would be appreciated for WDSD related events
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Other events to be held all over Japan

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A society that selects lives ~prenatal testing today~ by Ritsuko Sakai

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On the 30th anniversary of Futaba-no-kai, JDS Tokyo Setagaya Branch
“We will continue to be an anchorage of our members”
<Mayumi Maruyama, Sub-Chief of Futaba-no-kai>

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Transition to a public interest incorporated foundation (vol.4)
<Masanori Tanimoto, Director of Marketing, Tsuji Hongo Tax Accountant Corporation>

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Cover story: spacer p.10
My son’s challenge on the Kabuki stage “Chushingura”
<Taeko Furukawa, Kyoto Prefecture>

The 23rd meeting of “Happiness for all, Clover,”
JDS support group for siblings of children with Down Syndrome

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Result of questionnaire: first grade of elementary school 2012 (4)

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Please be aware of the risks that people with disabilities face
<Ryuichi Tomioka, Sales Division, Zenchi Corporation>

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Infant Development Consultation No.220
On “eating” <Ms. Kazue Fujii, a consultation staff >

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Message from the Directors: December

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Notes from the Office: 12/1~12/31

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Information Corner

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*For the cover story, read the family’s account on page ten and eleven.

JDS News, February comment on cover page

Yoshihiro Furukawa, 6-year-old boy from Kyoto prefecture, acted on a children’s Kabuki stage in December, after passing a strictly fair audition.